Aneuma Agricultural Film

Problems to be aware of while using special greenhouse film for veggies

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Greenhouse Film for Veggies

The planting volume of vegetable greenhouses is expanding now, thanks to the popularization of greenhouse planting technology and my country’s support for agricultural vegetable greenhouses. Vegetable greenhouses are inextricably linked to the usage of vegetable-specific greenhouse films. Vegetable greenhouse film selection and application It is more crucial. If we make the wrong decision, it will have an impact on the quality and stability of our crops. As a result, greenhouse gardeners should consider the following difficulties while selecting and utilizing special greenhouse film for vegetables.

Attention Points

Pay attention to the front and rear of the shed film when applying it, and do not apply it upside down. In typically, the printed side is on the outside, and the customer should be thoroughly discussed before removing the film. The buckle film should be chosen in bright, windless conditions; the film should be drawn and positioned carefully; and the shed film should not be cut or pierced.

When purchasing special greenhouse film for crops, look for a reputable manufacturer.

How to Restore

The special greenhouse screen for vegetables should be restored as soon as possible. The same kind and matching repair agent should be used to repair the special greenhouse film for vegetables, and other materials should not be utilized to produce losses and no impact.


When employing the special greenhouse film for vegetables, certain knife strips may be used to clean and remove dust from the film’s surface. Set one every 5 meters and use natural breeze to clean the outside of the greenhouse film to maximize light transmittance.

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