Aneuma Agricultural Film

Mulch Films Applied to Vineyard Garden

mulch film used in dry area

Background: The client’s location is in a dry, desert region. With scorching days and freezing nights, the area lacks rain and water. The vineyard-friendly environment and plentiful sunlight are at an altitude of about 900 meters. Orchard mulch is the material we provide to this customer. A great combination for this region is white and black.

Type of crop used in this project: vines.

The Application

We first spread drip irrigation on the ground before installing the mulching film on top of it. The white side faces up to reflect back the light and provide the bottom side of the leaves more photosynthetic light and to push the growth on the photosynthesis. The weeds that develop along the grove’s drip irrigation line are virtually eliminated when the black side is facing down because it fully blocks PAR radiation, which has a wavelength of 400 to 700 nanometers. The use of mulch also reduces the expense of herbicides.

Customer Tells the Story

Vineyards covering 75 acres, no rain. Prior to utilizing Aniuma mulch film, I just grew the plant as I would in mountainous regions. However, very quickly, I became aware that the irrigated water was not flowing downward but rather to the left and right, preventing the plant roots from finding water. When I bury the tube, the water flows upward, then to the left and right, but not downward. The mulch was then laid after I met Aniuma. The vines began to grow quite quickly about two to three weeks later. When I dug a hole and tested the soil, it was constantly wet and didn’t dry out under 1 meter. I cut water use by 25%. Also, in this arid region, mulch films greatly reduces evaporation, which conserves a lot of water. Water, fertilizer, and insecticides are all saved.

vineyards in dry area
vineyard mulching films
mulching for vines

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