Aneuma Agricultural Film

Compostable Biodegradable Mulch Film

plant strawberry using mulching film

The Problems of Traditional Mulch Films

Environment pollution by unrecycled plastic mulch film residues
Yield decrease up to 9% caused by remnants of unrecycled plastic mulching films
Soil corrosion stability decreased, more pesticide and heavy metal residue
Depletion of valuable top layer soil
Increased greenhouse gas emissions caused by burning recycled films
Expensive disposal time and cost
disposed plastic mulch films

The Solution: Compostable Biodegradable Mulch Film

Biodegradable mulch films are new material that contains no plastic at all. The main materials are PLA  (Polylactic Acid, or Polyactide) and PBAT (Polybutyrate Adipate Terephthalate). They can be degraded by microorganisms under natural environmental conditions. The polymer components are hydrolyzed, ionized or protonated by microorganisms due to cell growth. The enzymes decompose water-soluble polymers into fragments, forming new small-molecule compounds and they finally decompose into C02 and H20.

Benefits Using Bio-degradable Mulch Film

Custom Engineered

Compostable biodegradable mulching film can be custom engineered with specific decompose time, from 3-9 months according to crop types.

No Disposal Cost

No need to pay for film removal equipment, no need to pay expensive disposing labor cost. The final cost is lower than using traditional plastic film.

No Plastic, No Pollution

No plastics included, a complete biopolymer product. The material is PLA and PBAT. No residues of remnants to pollute the soil and decrease yield.

Better environment

No need to recycle and burn or dispose the old film, less greenhouse gas emissions, environment friendly. Saves valuable top layer soil.

Crops Using Our Bio-degradable & Compostable Mulch Films

After harvesting, the degradable mulch film is engulfed by microorganisms and eventually turns into carbon dioxide and water.
degrade process in lab

From Manufacturing to Degradation

There are mainly 2 phases for the compostable mulch films: shipping & storage phase and application form. From laying the film to final degradation, it’s mechanical strength get lower as time passes. A good quality mulch film is engineered and manufacturer according to the growth cycle of the crops, they will compost completely after the harvest of crops. While some low quality films degrade in a very short period of time.
the periods from manufacturing to degradation
film degraded by microbe, sunlight, water
degrade and decompose process

Degradation Principle

The degradation process started since the day of laying mulching films. Moisture, water, ultraviolet radiation, enzyme and microbe all work together to make the film crack. From disintegration to final degradation, the mulch film will be decompose to carbon dioxide, water and microbial biomass.

The Actual Degrade Process in Wild

disintegration phase 1
disintegration phase 1, starts to crack
disintegration phase 2
disintegration phase 3
disintegration phase of compostable mulch film
3 months after plough
red soil- 3 months after plough

Background Knowledge

Our films are made with PLA and PBAT which is the most appropriate combination for mulch films. PLA, know as polylactic acid is the most widely used degradable material, starch based. PBAT can be bio-degraded and also decomposed. It’s degradability and bio-safety are globally recognized.

PLA (Polylactic Acid, or Polyactide) is a kind of polyester consisting of lactic acid and lactide created by controlled fermentation of a carbohydrate source.

As a polymer derived from fossil fuels, PBAT (Polybutyrate Adipate Terephthalate) is not regarded as a source of renewable energy. Having stated that, PBAT is extremely biodegradable. When buried in soil, it entirely degrades owing to the activity of microorganisms such as fungus, algae, and bacteria, and it emits no methane or hazardous byproducts.

PBAT is engineered to degrade quickly, even quicker than organics like banana peel (strange, I know!). Contrary to popular belief, the higher the plant-based content, the longer it takes to decompose. As a result, PBAT is combined with PLA to accelerate biodegradation.

Furthermore, PLA is a hard and brittle substance on its own. PBAT is added to PLA to enhance its flexibility and strength, making it ideal for its intended use.

The Crops Tested with Bio-degradable Mulch Film

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Consult our agricultural film expert and get the best solutions for your agricultural needs.

Benefit from our ever evolving agricultural film technologies, protect your soil, reduce pollutions to environment and crops.

Improve yield and tastes of fruits and vegetables with Aniuma films, receive continous advises from our agronomists.

Our experts will help you save water, energy and pesticides with our 16 years of experiences. We know the climatic conditions in every country and the characteristics of different crops. Contact us, we’ll make you suitable offers and tailor make the films for your purposes.

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